
Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Bi-Modal Commute from Intramuros to UP-Diliman

I gotta be honest with you.  Although I maintain a blog about bike commuting, I am not a hard-core bike commuter.  Meaning to say, I don't use my bike to go to work every day.  Because of the distance between my house and place of work, my major mode of transportation remains to be my car.

However, whenever the opportunity arises when I can use my bike to commute, I do.  Like earlier today.  I had a meeting to attend at the University of the Philippines College of Law in Diliman, Quezon City.

On a regular day, I'd drive the car from the office in Intramuros and take Quezon Bridge to Espana Blvd.  I'd go around Welcome Rotunda and proceed to Quezon Ave. until I hit QC Circle and eventually UP Diliman.  The commute would usually take me 1 hour, due to traffic congestion in the UST area.

But last week, the Department of Public Works and Highways announced a P430 Million interchange construction project at the corner of Araneta Ave. and Quezon Ave. to begin this week and warned motorists to expect heavy traffic.

With this development in mind, the last thing I wanted was to be stuck in traffic for more than 2 hours.  So, I thought of taking a bi-modal commute from Intramuros to Diliman using my Brompton and the LRT-2.  Here's how it went:

0:00  Left PBSP at 8:50am by folding bike.  Biked 5 kms. to the LRT-2 Station in Recto Ave.
0:10  Arrived in LRT-2 Recto Station.  Folded my Brompton.  Entered the station.  Waited for train.

0:17  Boarded the train to Katipunan.  Travelled 10.5 kms.
0:37  After 20 minutes, we arrived in LRT-2 Katipunan Station.  Exited the station.  Unfolded my Brompton.
0:44  Left LRT-2 Katipunan Station and biked 3 kms. to UP-Diliman.
0:54  Arrived in UP College of Law at 9:44am.
"The Business of a Law School is not sufficiently described when you say that it is to teach law or to make lawyers.  It is to teach law in the Grand Manner and to make Great Lawyers who ride their bicycles"  hehehe : )
My bi-modal commute took 54 minutes to get to my destination.  I saved 6 minutes from my usual drive!  And may be, P100 worth of gas!

I was on time for my meeting.  In fact, I was one of the first to arrive.  Anyway, had my meeting and lunch.
Brommie Skywalker in his black robe sitting at a corner of the meeting room.
Afterwards, I unfolded the Frompton, put on my helmet and pedaled my way out of campus. I basically took the same route back to Intramuros.  This time it took me 56 minutes.  A bit slower, but still, saved 4 minutes from my normal car commute! Not bad, eh?
Last to disembark at the LRT-2 Recto Station
I was thirsty when I got back to Intramuros, so I stopped by Starbucks and grabbed a Grande Mocha Frap.  Mmmmm, refreshing.
About to enjoy a cold Starbucks beverage
 And that was my bi-modal commute to Diliman using my Brompton and taking the LRT. : )


  1. Would you recommend a bimodal commute with a folding bike with 20" wheels?

    1. Hi, Rains! My folding bike's wheels are 16" so its one of the smallest when folded. I can carry it easily in a cab, train or the bus. Size 20" is still small, but I suggest you look at it folded, carry it and walk around the room. If it doesn't come loose and is not bulky, then you can probably do a bimodal commute with it. Good luck!
